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Do you swim, ride or run first?

In a triathlon, you swim, ride and then run

How long is a triathlon?

Les triathlons diffèrent en termes de distances, selon le type de triathlon et/ou ce que les organisateurs ont fixé. Les distances les plus courantes sont répertoriées ci-dessous : 

Triathlon sprint : 750 m de natation, 20 km de course à pied, 5 km de course à pied.

Triathlon olympique : 1 500 m de natation, 40 km de course à pied, 10 km de course. Triathlon Half Iron Distance : 1,9 km de natation, 90 km de course à pied, 21,1 km de course. 180 km à vélo, 42,2 km à pied

Do I need a wetsuit for doing triathlons?

f the water temperature is below 24 degrees then it is optional to wear a wetsuit. The water temp is measured on the morning of the race. However if the races are very short distances and most people are beginners, hardly anyone wears one. If you plan to do other races then it is something you could consider for the future.

Quel équipement/vélo j`aurai besoin ?

You can ride any kind of bike – you don't need anything fancy to get started. Just be sure it is in good working order by getting a service prior to the race & have your tires pumped up. It must have gears and brakes.

How should I train?

Joining a triathlon club is the best way to train – you will meet like minded people and have a supportive environment regardless of your ability level.